Supported Protocols

Supported Protocols

We support the following protocols. If the token you plan to use has liquidity on any of these protocols, you can use it with the Wobbl3 Swap function. You can get started here.

Decentralized Exchanges:

  • KyberSwap
  • Balancer Weighted
  • Balancer Composable
  • Curve (3pool, aave, saave, hbtc, ren, sbtc, eurs, link)
  • DefiSwap
  • DODO (v2)
  • Fraxswap
  • Lido stETH
  • Lido wstETH
  • Maker PSM
  • PancakeSwap V3
  • Saddle
  • ShibaSwap
  • SushiSwap
  • Synapse
  • Uniswap (v2)
  • Uniswap (v3)
  • Verse


  • KyberSwap
  • 0x
  • 1inch
  • Paraswap